Our Partners
8 organizations from 7 countries: Sofia Development Association (Bulgaria) – lead partner, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM (Italy), the Languages Company (United Kingdom), Center for Peace (Croatia), People in Need (Czech Republic), Asociația Divers (Romania), Associazione FORMA.Azione (Italy), and Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (Greece).

Sofia Development Association (Bulgaria)
Sofia Development Association (SDA) is a resource centre for research, analyses, innovations and experiment, which creates conditions and encourages the constant dialogue between civil society, business, Sofia Municipality and academic institutions. The Association was established by Sofia Municipal Council Resolution № 348 as of 08.07.2010. It is an independent organization, registered by the Sofia City Court on 16.08.2010, company case 495/2010, in public benefit under the Not-for-Profit Legal Entities Act. The Association started its work as a centre for debate of municipal policies mainly in the field of culture, but during the last 6 years it established itself not only as an innovation hub, but also as an active participant in the formulation and implementation of a number of public policies, the introduction of innovation and investment in human capital.

Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM (Italy)
IULM University
The Libera Universita di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM was founded in 1968 by the Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, under the inspiration of Senator Carlo Bo and Professor Silvio Baridon. While continuing to pay close attention to the dynamics of the world of work, IULM University is also determined in its aim to provide its students with cultural training through innovative courses of study. Founded as a point of reference for teaching in the sectors of languages and communication, it has now also become a centre of excellence in the fields of tourism and the exploitation of cultural heritage. With its 3 and 4 Faculties, First Cycle Degree Courses, Second Cycle Degree Courses, numerous Master's Courses and post-experience courses, the University offers a complete range of courses at all levels.

Languages Company (United Kingdom)
The Languages Company (TLC) was established in 2008 in order to support the National Languages Strategy in England. Its main activities relate to Language Policy, Language Teaching Pedagogy and resources for languages. TLC has strong links with all of the main national and international organisations supporting language capability in the UK, in Europe and in the world, for example the Association for Language Learning (UK language teachers), University Council for Modern Languages, CERCLES (European Language Centres), FIPLV (International Teachers Federation), the Council of Europe and ECML.

Center for Peace (Croatia)
Centre for Peace
Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights – Osijek was established in 1992 with an aim of contributing to building of sustainable peace and strengthening of the culture of nonviolence in the war-torn region. The Centre for Peace has been dealing with human rights violation in its own community, psychosocial support to the wounded and preparing the grounds for the peaceful return of displaced persons and refugees. Our mission is to build society based on the culture of peace. We work toward our mission through empowering individuals, initiatives and civil society organizations for responsible participation in positive social changes, contributing to strengthening of civil society and rule of law.

People in Need (Czech Republic)
People in need / OWIS program
People in Need was established in 1992. PIN focuses on human rights protection, developement and humanitarian aid as well as awareness raising, formal and informal education systems in Czech Republic and abroad. One world in schools (OWIS) is an educational program of PIN and has a 15 year history with formal and informal educational sector, youth civic engagement and Czechoslovak history projects. Our educational on-line platform www.jsns.cz hosts over 220 audiovisual lessons based on documentary films and is used by youth and teachers for formal and non-formal education.

Asociația Divers (Romania)
Asociatia Divers
Diverse Association (Asociatia Divers) promotes since 2007 knowledge, acknowledgement and respect of diversity (cultural, ethnic, social, linguistic, religious, gender, etc.) expressed by fair implementation of human rights, democratic values, equal opportunities, non-violence, all supported by active citizenship. We strive for an inclusive, intercultural society based on European values while preserving social and cultural diversity, as developed over centuries with a special focus on issues associated with Roma and their communities. In order to accomplish the above objectives our multicultural team, including volunteers implement multi annual programs (NGO Resource Center, Social Inclusion Center, Diversity-another chance for future national intercultural team contest for children, Hungarian Women Academy) along other specific short term projects funded by ESF, Norway Grants and other sources.

Associazione FORMA.Azione (Italy)
FORMA.Azione is an Adult and VET Training Centre that was founded in 1997. It is managed by 3 partners and is employing 12 people as tutors, VET/EU projects designers, administrative staff and collaborators. Furthermore it is: - ISO 9001 certified since 2002 - Accredited Regional Training Centre since 2003 - Wide network of partnerships with Public Institutions, Private Businesses, Professional Registers, Life Long Learning Training Centres, Third Sector organisations - EPRA and EfVET Member - Over 500 external Experts and Consultants

Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (Greece)
The Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (AAK) comes from the merging of two distinct cities, namely Agii Anargιri and Kamatero. The city is situated at the center of the western side of Athens. It aspires at developing itself into a modern, pioneering Municipality able to offer high level services to its, almost 63.000 inhabitants. The Municipal Administration aims at offering to the inhabitants the best possible services in many fields of interest such as social welfare, human rights, health, prevention, education, culture, etc.